Z Factory really started working the streets – legally – in the spring of 2010 by designing the information graphics for an initial series of 10 helpful kiosks stretching along the main business arteries of Southport, Lincoln and Belmont Avenues in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood. 

The process began with preliminary studies of things as simple as the hierarchy of information and how an average-height person might interact with it... all the way to color studies that accounted for how a color-blind user might still be able to collect the information they need successfully.
Palette Study (at left)
Early efforts went toward establishing a library of fonts, shapes and colors.
Information Hierarchy (at right)
Initial studies were made to assess positioning of information as it relates to the average viewer.
Consistent Header Branding (at left)
Every kiosk maintains the same masthead in order to build a stronger brand for the neighborhood and to provide a visual cue to users that more information is available to them.
Unique Points of Interest (at right)
Each kiosk contains unique information about a neighborhood highlight that exists close by, in order to further educate and entertain interested parties.
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